Monday 19 May 2014

South Wales BM 'Young Dragons '

Over the weekend members of SWBM arranged a day out for the Young Dragon members to the gateway to wales . To teach and show them the history of the area . Along with that a pinic and 13 a side football game was held . Here just a few of the photos taken . We at the SWBM believe that knowledge of history is as important as demos leafleting and famliy days to build out ever growing movement family
(faces have been hidden to hide the the youngsters identities )

1 comment:

  1. SWBM Comrades

    Looks like your dedication and hard work has upset the journalists at the 'Wales on Sunday'.
    You must be getting message out if you have upset the Establishment and people like Peter Hain. Good to know that SWBM is packing a punch.

    NS regards

    From all here at the BM Sunwheel Office
